Losing weight can be a daunting task. Especially if you’ve tried unsuccessfully before. It seems like everyone is trying to lose weight at some point over the year, but very few people are successful in the long term. So follow on for some top tips in losing weight at anytime of the year.
But first off, Why is it that most people fail at their weight loss journey?
A big part of the problem is that people don’t start with the right mindset and therefore after while, aren’t motivated to stick with it. Losing weight is one thing, having the correct mindset for weight loss is another and this will be what determines success actions vs. failing.
Let us give you some tips on how to stay motivated. We will also explain why mindset is so important when it comes to losing weight.
Adjusting Your Attitude

A lot of people approach weight loss with the wrong attitude. They see it as a punishment or something that they have to force themselves to do. This is not the best approach to weight loss. Instead, you should see it as an opportunity to improve your health and well-being for the long term and it’s an exciting project that you get to work on!
Adjusting Your Habits
We hope you have downloaded the
7 Day Habit Kickstarter. This has been crafted off the back of one of the worlds leading behavioral scientists and can help shape the mindset as you enter into a new phase of your health journey.
When you have the right mindset, it’s a lot easier to stay motivated and then of course, losing weight will become a lot easier – providing you’re seeking the correct advice.
Here are 10 of our favorite tips for losing weight that My Action Project participants & team members know will help you stay motivated and losing weight:
Top Tips for Losing Weight
- Find an activity that you enjoy and make it part of your weight loss journey. This could be something like walking, biking, swimming, or even just going for a hike.
- Set realistic goals that you can measure and track, and that are also within a set time frame. For example, rather than saying you want to lose 20 pounds in two weeks, set a goal to lose one pound per week for 20 weeks.
- When you choose your Weight Loss Program (By the way M.A.P Clean Keto Weight Loss Diet Meal Plan is our Favorite) Find a accountability buddy or support group to help keep you accountable and motivated. It’s always easier when we have someone to do it with!
- Make sure that you are staying honest with yourself, cheating on your meal plan or skipping planned workouts will set you back and kill your motivation when it really counts.
- Allow yourself to enjoy the process, this isn’t a punishment it’s a chance for you to improve your health and feel great in your own skin! Mindset is everything when it comes to weight loss success. If you don’t believe that you can do it, then you never will. But if you go into it with the right attitude working towards your goals will be something you look forward to.
- By having small goals, that lead to your main goal you will be able to celebrate hitting milestones along the way. Ways to celebrate would include buying new clothing, treating yourself to a spa day, or just taking time out for yourself with friends. (Keep these as non food related so as not to trigger negative habits).
- Write down your goals and put them in places where you will see them every day such as on the fridge, bathroom mirror, or in your car.
- Take progress photos every week. Sure you might not see much a difference for a few weeks, but having a record of where you started and your journey will help you see visually how far you’ve come in the long run.
- Make sure you are getting enough sleep, staying hydrated, and eating healthy foods and ensure you’re taking the Best Vitamin Supplements available
- Start each day with positive affirmations such “I am in control of my choices. Everything I do is working towards a healthy future.”
These are just some basic motivation tips for losing weight and tools that you can use to help you on your own action project to lose weight and get healthy. The first and most important tool is your mindset. You need to believe in yourself that you can achieve the result you want, and that you will reach your goals. That you are worth the time and effort it will take to change.
Make 2023 your best year yet!