MAP Fast Weight Loss Program
Intermittent Fasting
The MAP Fast program is a science-backed plan to intermittent fasting. Using intermittent fasting as a tool will speed up your weight loss efforts with added health benefits.

MAP Fast Weight Loss Plan Lite
ONLY $29
- 7-Day Intermittent Fast Weight Loss Plan (Instant PDF Download)
- Email and Online Support
MAP Fast Weight Loss Gold Plan
ONLY $137
- 8-Week Intermittent Fast Weight Loss Program (App Based)
- IF Ultimate Guide for Dummies
- 7-Day Supplementation Plan
- 28-Day Supply Metabolism Supplements
- Email and Online Support

MAP Fast is by far our best selling Program. Designed with the input of four health professionals and a chef, we’ve incorporated an intermittent fasting approach which will have serious fat loss benefits.
Intermittent fasting works by prolonging the period when your body has burned through the calories consumed and begins burning fat for fuel. The actual practice is simple. We explain how you can take a daily approach, which restricts daily eating window between a six to eight-hour period each day.
For instance, you may choose to try 16/8 fasting: which gives you eight hours to eat your meals followed with fasting for 16.
Your healthy meal options will be easy, tasty and full of fibre. You’ll be exercising moderately on this program to get the most out of your efforts (so leave time for exercising).
Intermittent Fasting has often been an overlooked program because of the confusion around types of foods and meal timings. MAP Experts have made this a simple process with variety, nutritiously dense foods crafted for fat loss and featured on your own customized Meal Planning App.
Big Benefits of Intermittent Fasting for Weight Loss
There are a massive amount of benefits to intermittent fasting and I feel the health benefits are just the tip of the ice burg. Lets start with 5 Big Benefits of Intermittent Fasting.
When you are I.F programming, your body changes and makes fat more available for burning as energy and this initiates critical cellular repair processes and gene expression. Your cells remove waste and certain genes that protect aging and prevent disease are activated.
We can’t quite quantify how effective I.F is to reducing fat, but not just subcutaneous fat (beneath the skin) but the visceral fat surrounding organs. I.F also lowers insulin levels, which helps with fat loss. MAP’s I.F plan also increases your metabolic rate which uses fat for energy. Who doesn’t want this approach for smashing fat off?
They say what is great for the body is great for the brain. The I.F phasing reduces blood sugar levels and decreases inflammation. Inflammation is a strong marker for degenerative disease and decreasing cognitive functions. I.F has been shown to increase a brain hormone (brain derived neurotropic factor) which could help protect again brain aging and improve brain health.
We know that being overweight is damaging to our health. Given all the improving health markers shown so far to humans who practice I.F regularly, who wouldn’t want to integrate fasting into their lifestyle. Heck, is mice who fast every other day lived 15% longer than those who weren’t fasted. Show Me The Plan.

With thESE massively effective programS unlike anything ELSE, you get INSTANT ACCESS TO:
8-Week Intermittent Fasting Weight Loss Program (Value $480)
You get full-time access for 8 weeks to the MAP Meal Planning App. Each day is a selected customized, evidence-based Intermittent Fasting meal plan covering the 16:8 Fasting Protocol. Each month the meal plan app refreshes with a whole new set of meal plans. You can download PDFs, save your favorite recipes and get smart shopping lists. Full nutritional data included.
Free Intermittent Fasting E-Book (Value $19)
Many people continue to integrate I.F as part of their lifestyle. Who wouldn’t with all the benefits. The Map Experts have crafted The Ultimate I.F Guide For Dummies. Learn what happens to your cells during the stages of I.F, how it may prevent certain diseases, the brain benefits, the different types of fasting to switch it up. Learn more about oxidation and inflammation in the body and foods that help.
28 Day Supply Metabolism Plus (Value $97)
You’ve heard people say ‘Oh they must have a fast metabolism’. Well they were probably taking this product and manipulating the speed at which they burn fat, which is a good thing. We actually do this with food and exercise but these supplements help boost this process way faster. We don’t call this MAP Fast for nothing! 28 Days is enough to make it spin!
Total value? $596
The unbelievably small investment from you?
Lite I.F Program Includes:
- 7-Day Intermittent Fasting Instant PDF Download
- Online and Email Support

Common Questions
If you have any other questions or concerns about the program, please contact support at
Moderate exercise is important on any exercise programs. Your overall weight loss goals and health objectives will become a reality much faster when exercise is included. Make it fun, buddy up with someone for accountability.
You can however, the MAP Experts have created each program with the intention of you continuing on with that program. 3 out of every 5 people who start a diet, stop. They stop because the diet became too hard to maintain. MAP eliminates this completely. You wont feel hungry, there’s plenty variety and by the time your programs completes…you would’ve created healthier lifestyle habits! Finally – objective complete.
Many programs offer online support but during our time in the industry, research shows very few people opt in and reach out. MAP has created their programs so you don’t need support, but you can reach out direct and we’ll help, or you can use the FB page to talk to other Mappers should you need to. Most people who are on a MAP Mission, grab a accountability partner for the journey.
We have specifically used generic foods found in most supermarkets around the world. No brands are mentioned. Some of our plans include supplementation advice and you can generally find these types of supplements at good health food stores We’ll break down exactly the macro-nutrients you need if you are to supplement a MAP Plan, and some personal recommendations also.
Our plans have been specifically designed by Qualified Dieticians and Sports Nutritionists. The idea of MAP is to reduce the time and expense of going to see a Dietician / Nutritionist. These plans have been proven to be extremely effective for weight management. They work.
Personal Trainers are certainly optional but a great idea if you want to hold yourself accountable to training. You certainly get pushed harder with one than without. MAP has partnered with accredited fitness trainers so drop us a line and we’ll forward you their details.
Join people who’ve transformed their lives
We receive amazing and inspiring transformation pictures and testimonials each week. Seeing the positive impact the plan has had on our client’s lives is the sole reason for creating the MAP – INTERMITTENT WEIGHT LOSS plan




Start your weight loss journey today
Map – Fast weight loss
ONLY $29
- 7-Day Intermittent Fasting Weight Loss Plan (Instant PDF Download)
- Online and Email Support
Map – Fast weight loss gold
ONLY $137
- 8-Week Intermittent Fast Weight Loss Program (App based)
- I.F Ultimate Guide for Dummies
- 7-Day Supplementation Plan
- 28-Day Supply Metabolism Supplements
If you have any other questions or concerns about the program, please contact us at