Anti Candida Diet. What Is Candida?
Candida is a type of yeast, and there are over 150 types of yeast that naturally live in our bodies, particularly in the gut and on the skin. Generally, out of the 150 bacteria, about 10% can continue to cause infections if not managed, and MAP’s Anti Candida Diet can reduce your symptoms and stop Candida fast.
However, in healthy individuals, it’s kept under control but the immune system and other beneficial bacteria. However, when there is an imbalance of the gut microbiome, candida can overgrow and cause various health problems and can continue to cause a wide range of issues such as fatigue, digestive problems, skin problems, and headaches.
Candia overgrowth has been linked to a range of symptoms, including fatigue, brain fog, digestive issues, skin problems, and hormonal imbalances. It’s estimated that over 70% of people have candid overgrowth to some degree, yet many are unaware of its existence.
Let’s delve deeper into what Candida is, how it affects your health, and how My Action Projects Anti Candida Diet can be of benefit to those suffering candida overgrowth.
What Causes Candida Overgrowth
An overuse of antibiotics can contribute to an overgrowth of candida, as it can upset the natural balance of good bacteria in the body. Also, a diet that affects the natural microbiome in the gut, like highly processed foods and food that contains a lot of sugar can exasperate the growth of candida.
- A diet with highly processed foods
- Higher than normal alcohol consumption
- Compromised immune system
- Antibiotic usage and/or the birth control pills
- Stress can promote an imbalance in the gut – try USANA Stress Relief Products to help manage stress levels.
Taking measures to improve and support the digestive system, in particular, your gut is important in order to restore balance and fight candida. Part of this includes making changes to your diet and eating foods that are known to support gut health.
My Action Project (MAP) Health Experts have developed an easy-to-follow (and tasty I might add) 7-day instant Anti Candida Diet PDF download. This puts you on track to kicking Candida’s overgrowth in the guts (so to speak) and enables you to get back on track and live a healthier and symptom-free life.
Eating plenty of probiotic-rich foods, such as probiotic yogurt and sauerkraut, can help to support gut health. Additionally, adopting a change in diet and consuming foods that are low in sugar, such as lean proteins, leafy greens, and high-fiber foods can help to reduce the amount of sugar available for the candida to live on.
Eating as much organic produce as possible can also help reduce the number of toxins that can contribute to an overgrowth of candida.
Making sure to take a good probiotic supplement can also help to support gut health and fight candida. Taking these steps can help to reduce and eliminate the symptoms of an overgrowth of candida.
To help combat Candida, it is important to eat a diet that is low in sugar and processed carbohydrates and includes plenty of probiotics and prebiotics. Additionally, certain herbal and natural remedies can be beneficial. With the right dietary and lifestyle changes, you can help restore balance to your gut microbiome and improve your overall health.
Furthermore, when stress takes over and lack of sleep combines to weaken your immune system, it can be even harder to fight off a Candida overgrowth and continue to supply your body with the symptoms.
To help combat this issue, an anti candida diet, MAP’s diet plan takes a bi-layer approach. We have utilized foods that are designed to strengthen the immune system and support healthy gut flora but the approach has been to starve the overgrowth over a short time period.
Eating plenty of probiotics and fermented foods, like yogurt or kimchi, as well as avoiding added sugars and refined carbohydrates can help balance your gut bacteria and reduce Candida overgrowth anyway.
What Kills Candida Fast?
Most people tend to adopt a slower approach and perhaps visit a Candida-Clease. This is slowly eliminating certain food groups that would potentially cause Candida overgrowth but some people are okay with taking an aggressive approach.
MAP does exactly this. We take an aggressive approach in the same way you would want to starve a fire of oxygen. If you want to stop a fire from taking control fast, you starve it of oxygen and probably adding a lot of water can also help, right?
Well, eliminating Candida overgrowth adopts a similar approach – except without a fire hydrant of water – just 2L a day is fine. But our process is to starve off the candida by removing the fuel (food) that causes it. You’re left with foods that nourish you and taste great and within a very short time frame, your symptoms start to disappear.
What Foods Can I Eat on an Anti-Candida Diet
There are so many foods you can eat on an Anti Candida Diet. You really don’t have to even try too much, plus MAP makes it super easy on the 7 Day Instant PDF download also. However, MAP uses fruits low in sugar (but eaten moderately) and non-starchy vegetables.
High-quality lean proteins are important in most diet plans anyway, and we also include good-quality proteins to support and rebuild lean tissue. These are often, Wild Salmon, Leans chicken, and Eggs…organic and free range of course (let’s save the poor caged hens by not supporting those Farmers who prefer to focus on profits over the health of their animals)
MAP also uses a variety of nuts and healthy essential fats and some studies suggest the Mediterranean diet which is low in sugar is beneficial to lowering Candida Overgrowth in the gut. The new MAP Anti Candia diet now adopts a variety of foods rich in phytonutrients which not only help remove Candida from the gut but also helps support the heart and promotes healthy living.
What Foods to Avoid on an Anti-Candida Diet
Just as there are lots of foods to eat on an Anti Candida Diet, there are certainly a plethora of foods to remove. These tend to be foods higher in sugar, for obvious reasons – yeast feeds off sugar. Also, Fruits like bananas, especially the types of bananas you see that are overripe and slightly speckled, have a way higher sugar content than the bananas that have green tips and bottoms.
Sugars like honey, maple syrup, and white table sugar are banned from the day-to-day Anti Candida diet. Alongside certain dairy products too. Foods that are highly processed, like the delicatessen processed meats are off the list, and fish that are farmed tend to have fewer essential fats, like the important Omega 3 Fats – again, we’ve removed these foods from the Anti-Candida Diet Plan.
Some studies suggest that Omega fats, like the fats found in wild-caught fish, have been linked to supporting good bacteria so we recommend this brand Biomega Fish Oils which also have the trace elements found in wild-caught fish.
Benefits of an Anti-Candida Diet
People suffering from candida overgrowth don’t need to read too many benefits on why they need to adopt a different approach. However, the additional benefits you will get from eating un-processed and healthier foods, less sugar, and in its raw natural state have proven to far outweigh any other type of diet plan.
The Anti Candida Diet Plan has powerful anti-inflammatory foods that tend to be very nutrient-dense and can benefit the body in more ways than one. My Action Project Meal Plans are guaranteed and if you would like an additional meal option alongside 7-Day Anti-Candida Plan, just give us a review, share something from our Facebook page, and then email us at and we’ll get you across another 14-Day meal plan – free of charge.