You recharge your phone every night, right? But do you take the time to recharge
When we live extremely full days we tend to overlook time out, especially if we’re the type of person who gives a lot of themselves, for example,
parents, caregivers, service industry workers… how can we possibly afford to take time out of the day?
What if we Self Love it ‘time in’? Time inside yourself. Time to breathe. Time to let your nervous system relax. Time to settle into your skin. Time to clear your mind. Time to just BE.
Here’s the kicker – you must give yourself PERMISSION (‘cos no one else is going to give it to you) to take time out for yourself.
Can you imagine how much better life could be if you took time for yourself to get energized and refocused? What do you think it would do your for health, energy and creativity?
The flow-on effect would be that you’d have a lot more to give your loved ones, the people you work with, and the projects you work on.
Even 15 minutes, every few hours, can work wonders. Heck, you could actually go outside and walk around the block. You could plant a seed. You could dance in your living room. You could chat with your BFF or beloved. You could meditate. And a personal favorite – You could just close your eyes and…daydream.
Here is just a selection of ideas that you could try to recharge your battery – remember that everyone is different so what might be my idea of recharging could be quite the opposite for you! But I hope my list helps.
30 ways to take time out of your day & practice SELF-LOVE:
- Head outside to soak up the sunshine and get a Vitamin D boost
- Start your morning with yoga stretches, meditation, or a walk – or a more high-octane class-like spin!
- Work out first thing in the morning at the gym. If you are an afternoon or evening person then by all means train at the gym when it suits you best.
- Drink a yummy breakfast shake or healthy breakfast on your front porch, deck, or garden
- Write in a journal or a blog or even a vlog
- Get your nails done
- Watch a movie with your family or friends
- Walk in nature
- Weed and plant in your garden
- Drink a hot cup of lemon water with turmeric, or tea or coffee first thing in the morning
- Take time outside to listen to the birds and breathe fresh air – I have a favorite spot sitting under our avocado tree. Especially in the afternoon sun, when my work day is done.
- Play with your pets, some workplaces allow pets in the workplace for the very reason that it is good for the soul, and makes people happy.
- Stare out your window and daydream – don’t forget your desk exercises
- If you find it hard to remember to take time out – try setting your alarm twice a day to stop what you are doing and do a small recharge activity.
- Take an Epsom salt lavender bath
- Read a book
- Wake up 30 minutes early to plan out and visualize a great day (this works wonders)
- Jog or run in the park or beach or wherever you feel is your happy place
- Go for a swim
- Take a shower with essential oils
- Listen to audio – maybe a thought-provoking Ted Talk or your favorite audiobook
- Listen to your fave music and sing out loud – this works well for me in the car
- Treat yourself to lunch out – do this with a friend to make it even more fun
- Cook an amazing meal – there are so many healthy creative meal options out there.
- Get up from your desk every hour if you are office bound – maybe go chat with a workmate and see what it’s new with them
- Take an afternoon nap; I know I said recharging wasn’t just about getting sleep, but there is just something luxurious about a cheeky afternoon nap
- Bake with your kids (it’s not always about the end result, it can be healthy)
- Dance in your kitchen while you cook, do it even when others are in the house – they might just join you
- Take an after-dinner moonlight stroll around the neighborhood with your loved one
- Go to bed really early
Self Love is absolutely critical in order for you to embark on a new direction. Whether that new direction be work-based, weight-loss or personal endeavors.
Remember that 30 top tips on self-love could be daunting. Take maybe 3 or 4 and initiate them in the first week. When you are ready, review some of the other tips and initiate them slowly. You can take as long or as little as you like. Remember – this is about you!
with Love
MAP Co-Founder